Mouth Cancer Screening
Regular checks to support health and wellbeing
Know how
About Mouth Cancer Screening
Oral cancers affect around one in 60 men and one in 140 women over the course of their lifetime, but it can be difficult to detect in the early stages unless you know what you’re looking for.
At Bethcar, we routinely check every patient who visits us for mouth cancer, observing the whole face and head as well. We have even been known to recommend that clients visit their GP to check moles for skin cancer.
As a patient of ours our goal is to support your oral health and the impact it has on your overall wellbeing, so that any issues can be detected early and resolved as easily as possible.
Treatment Benefits
Benefits Of Oral Cancer Screening
The main purpose of mouth cancer screening is to identify any cancerous or precancerous lesions that may lead to mouth cancer. When cancers are caught early they are more likely to be curable.
Benefits include:
Early detection of mouth cancer
Mouth cancer can be hard to diagnose if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for. However, when cancer is detected in the early stages it can help minimise the necessary treatment to address it. Early diagnosis also increases the chances of curing cancer or managing it effectively. Going to the dentist is a good time for a professional check, incorporating it into your dental hygiene visits as part of your regular routine.
Peace of mind
Knowing that a professional is checking your mouth for potential signs of cancer can provide you with peace of mind. If you are unsure about something, your dentist is a good first port of call for advice. If we feel you should consult your doctor for further investigation then we will be able to let you know then and there. By visiting regularly, you know there is always a maximum amount of time between checks for anything to go undetected.
Why Choose Us
We Want What’s Best For You
At Bethcar, we understand the significance of early detection and prevention of mouth cancer.
We believe in educating our patients on the importance of regular mouth cancer screenings and creating a comfortable and relaxed environment during the process.
With a commitment to patient satisfaction and overall oral health, choosing Bethcar for your mouth cancer screening is the smart choice.
A few things you may like to know
Frequently Asked Questions
What is mouth cancer screening?
Mouth Cancer Screening is an oral exam performed by your dentist, looking and feeling for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. Our goal in performing these exams is to identify mouth cancer early, when it has its greatest chance of a cure.
What is involved in mouth cancer screening?
A mouth cancer screening exam is not very different to any other dental examination. Using gloved hands, your dentist will look inside your mouth to check for signs of mouth cancer, such as sores, irregular patches or lumps. We are thorough in our checks, so we also check your throat and neck for any concerns.
Is mouth cancer screening right for me?
Everyone benefits from mouth cancer screening. It doesn’t take long and it’s an easy, painless check. There are some people who have higher risk factors for oral cancers. For example:
High tobacco use
Tobacco of any kind, including cigarettes, cigars and pipes, place users in the highest risk category for all oral cancers. If you are a smoker, it’s even more important that you have your mouth cancer screenings regularly. This is something we will be able to advise you on when we set up your personalised dental hygiene plan.
High alcohol intake
High alcohol intake is also recognised as a contributor to mouth cancer, especially when it’s combined with smoking. As with tobacco use, if you are a heavy drinker, it’s particularly important to have your mouth cancer screenings regularly.
HPV Virus
There has been a link noted between oral cancer and the HPV Virus (human papillomavirus). Although only 1% of individuals that develop a high risk type oral HPV infection ever develop cancer, and usually decades after infection, it’s a good reason to remain vigilant by maintaining your dental appointments.