Dental Inlays & Onlays
Repairing and strengthening your teeth

Know how
About Inlays & Onlays
Dental inlays and onlays are another option when you have experienced tooth damage as a result of a cavity. We often describe them as being like a three-quarter crown, restoring teeth but without covering the entire top of the tooth. They tend to be used in very specific scenarios when there is not enough of the tooth left for a regular filling. If you have a damaged tooth that needs reconstruction, we will discuss whether this is an option for you before making a plan that meets your needs.
Treatment Benefits
Benefits Of Dental Inlays & Onlays
Dental inlays and onlays are used to repair individual teeth after they have been damaged either by accident or as a result of decay.
Benefits include:

Strengthening teeth
When a tooth is damaged it becomes at risk for further damage or loss of the entire tooth. By reinforcing the tooth with an inlay or onlay, it helps to strengthen it, allowing it to withstand chewing pressure again.

Restoring regular function
When a tooth has been damaged it can become hard or even painful to eat and drink as usual. By repairing the tooth it restores regular function, and also improves the appearance of your tooth and your smile.

Protecting and preserving natural teeth
Using an inlay or an onlay to repair a broken or damaged tooth means that less of the enamel of your natural tooth is removed and more is preserved. In the long run, the repair also helps to protect the remaining tooth from further damage or loss.
Why Choose Us
We Want What’s Best For You
At Bethcar, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of dental care.
Our team of experienced dentists use only the finest materials for dental inlays and onlays, ensuring long-lasting and natural-looking results.
We understand the importance of having a confident and beautiful smile, and work closely with our patients to create personalized treatment plans to meet their specific needs. With a commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction, choosing Bethcar for your dental inlays and onlays is the smart choice for a healthy and rejuvenated smile.
A few things you may like to know
Frequently Asked Questions
What are dental inlays and onlays?
Dental inlays and onlays are used to fix broken teeth in certain scenarios. They are usually made from porcelain or composite resin, and are coloured to blend in with your natural teeth. Once fitted, they should feel and act like your regular teeth, reinforcing the damaged tooth and lasting between 10 and 15 years, depending on how you look after them and depending on factors including your overall oral health and hygiene.
Inlays and onlays serve a similar function to one another but are fitted differently depending on the damage that has occurred:
- Dental inlays fill the area between the cusps (sides) of your tooth.
- Dental onlays cover the cusp of the tooth more like a cap.
What are dental inlays and onlays for?
Dental inlays and onlays are effectively used to repair the chewing surface of a tooth. They are only used in specific scenarios and are not very common. Usually we would opt for either a filling, or, if the damage is too severe, then we would look at a cap or a bridge. The damage to a tooth would be quite severe, but would not allow for a crown. If you have damaged your tooth, we will discuss the options with you and discuss whether an inlay or only is an option before choosing a course of action.
What's involved in getting inlays and onlays?
Similarly to getting a crown, if we decide together that an inlay or onlay is the best course of action for repairing your tooth, we will book you in for two separate appointments.
At the first appointment we will numb the gum area with a local anaesthetic before removing the decay or damaged part of the tooth. We will thoroughly clean the tooth and prepare it for its new surface. We will then take an impression of the tooth, from which the inlay or onlay will be created so that it fits perfectly. Before you leave, we will fit a temporary restoration until your next visit.
During your second visit we will fit the permanent restoration and make sure that it fits correctly, feels comfortable and doesn’t interfere with your bite. We will fix it using dental cement and make any minor adjustments before polishing the new tooth.
Afterwards we will advise on how long you should wait before resuming regular eating and drinking, and how to care for your new tooth. Each appointment should take no more than an hour.
Are dental inlays or onlays right for me?
As mentioned, dental inlays or onlays are a comparatively unusual fix for a broken or damaged tooth, used for more extensive damage than a regular filling. It may be an option for you in the following circumstances:
Broken, fractured, or decayed teeth
A dental inlay may be right for you if you have a broken, fractured, or decayed tooth but where the cusps are not affected.
Where a crown will not work
Dental inlays or onlays are usually recommended when the damage to a tooth is severe enough that it’s not possible to remove enough tooth matter to support mounting a crown.